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The Step-by-Step, Done-With-You Summit-Building System
with EVERYTHING you need and nothing that you don't!

So you're ready to launch your ah-mazing new program but...

  • You've got nobody but your mom (hi mom!) on your email list

  • You've tried to grow an audience the Gary V way but what the actual...  

  • You don't have $300 a day to spend on FB Ads

(Jay! There HAS to be a better way!!)

There absolutely IS a better, faster, easier, and virtually free way to do it!

Discover a proven system that  



Builds your email list with 1000s of your ideal clients in a few short weeks.



Generates high quality leads on rinse and repeat whenever you need it to. 



Generates revenue right from the get-go!



How do I know this works?

Because it's exactly how I kickstarted my business when I realised all those slow-growth strategies had me going nowhere slowly and I wanted a business that was too legit-to-quit.

I've been building businesses from scratch since 1996. 


My first business was a spectacular failure. That sucked! 

It left me emotionally depleted and financially devastated. It also left me determined to make sure that would never happen again. 

I went on to build three more successful 7-figure businesses, two of which I have since sold. 

The third, my design and event agency of 20 years, grew from side hustle to a multiple 7-figure business in 5 short years. 

My love of entrepreneurship and passion for new entrepreneurs led me to mentoring innovative start-up entrepreneurs14 years ago which also grew from a passion project to a fully-fledged business in just a few short years.  

On the 3rd of January 2020, after a particularly deep meditation, I woke up in the early hours of the morning with an inexplicable but compelling 'calling' to shift the focus of my mentorship and coaching practice to immediately start working with coaches, something I had never considered.  

So I dove deep into market research. I interviewed more than 700 new and struggling coaches.

What I learned shocked my socks off!

If you've been trying to build your online coaching business for more than minute, I'm willing to bet that you might recognise yourself in some of what the research uncovered.


😖 Spend ridiculous amounts of time creating content - writing blogs, creating podcasts and YouTube channels

😖 Spend hours a day lurking around Facebook groups trying to find paying clients

😖 Spend hours every week creating posts, stories and reels that are simply not translating into business

😖 Are disappointed the freebie on their website isn't the list-building magic-genie the experts said it would be

😖 Are disheartened that a year (or more) down the line, they STILL don't have enough people to "launch" to

The coaches I interviewed admitted they:


😖 And as for "launching". What fresh living hell is that and why did nobody warn you?!?! 😖🤯

I'm prettttttty sure that you've started to realise (or you will soon) that doing all.the.things I just described, hasn't translated into business, or if you have gotten some business out of it, it's certainly not enough business to make it worth all that time and effort. Amiright?

Are you ready to get off the struggle bus and move into the fast lane?

I have a sneaking suspicion, especially if you have read this far, that you too would like a business that you LOVE and that is PROFITABLE.

A business that lets you serve more of your ideal clients.  

But lets you actually work less, and heck, even earn more. 

All at the same time. 

And I am pretty sure you don't want to have to spend the next 5+ years figuring it all out yourself to get there. 

I mean this is WHY we start our own businesses, right?

To be able to live life on your terms. 

And whether that's having the time and energy to be fully present for your kids, help take care of your parents, to be able to travel the world and have amazing adventures, or just to earn an extra 4 or 5 figures on the side... 

You deserve to have the kind of business that gives you the life you want, and you deserve to have it NOW!

And if you are a coach...


If you help people with anything from losing weight, finding a more fulfilling career, creating confidence, life after divorce, finding love, speaking on stage, building wealth... or anything in between.

If you have a passion or expertise that helps people...

And you want a way to share it in a profitable way...

Even if you have zero list and no idea how to do any of it! 

Then 6 months from now you can have a business that is fired-up and raring to go! 

And I have created the step-by-step plan to show you how to do it!

Before you start to say... 
"Yeah but Jay, that won't work for me..."

Let me stop you right there my friend ✋

You see, I know this process works.. and not just for me, (it's the exact same process I used to launch and still use in my own coaching business) but because this is what I have been teaching my students and clients... 

I have helped clients to:

👉 Grow their email lists and tribes by thousands! 

👉 Create, launch and sell profitable signature programs.

👉  Turn those programs into even more profitable and totally automated online funnels.

In fact, I have been helping clients add 5, 6 and even 7 figures to their businesses for 14+ years.


It's worked for me. It's working for others and it will work for you too, Coach. 

The fastest and easiest way to get your coaching business client-attracting and revenue-generating?

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So are you ready for my simple, step-by-step, done-with-you, start-to-finish plan?

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The simple, step-by-step, start-to-finish plan to build your list and launch your business, FASTER & EASIER - even if you're starting from scratch!

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Your Summit Simplified
is a 3-Month, Done-With-You
1:1 Summit Creation & Hosting Program
for Coaches.

What's Included:



Your Summit Simplified Project Plan so that you know exactly what needs to be done and you're able to track your progress.

Your Summit Simplified Project Plan Schedule so that you know exactly when everything needs to be done.

Your Summit Simplified Funnel - the entire summit website and email sequence funnels.


Your Summit Simplified Speaker System so that you have everything you need to pitch, track and manage your speakers to ensure they honor their summit promotional commitments as well as ensuring their experience of working with you is professional and mutually beneficial. 

Your Summit Simplified Promotional Calendar to maximise the summit's list building potential.

 ALL the Your Summit Simplified plug-and-play templates, scripts and swipe files you need.


👉 3 Months of 1:1 Coaching and Mentoring with unrestricted access to me

👉 To show you the exact steps, start to finish to add +1000k subscribers to your email list

👉 To teach you the exact steps to creating an irresistible offer

👉 To teach you the exact steps to creating a high converting webinar

👉 Give you unbeatable feedback, accountability and support every step of the way

This is not just one more piece of the puzzle. This is the ONLY plan you need!!! 

I created Your Summit Simplified to guide you, step-by-step, from where you are right now to:

adding 1000s of your ideal clients to your email list


earning 1000s of dollars in coaching revenue

All in simple, doable, bite-sized steps which we will take together!

But of course... that's not all!

(I say in my very best TV infomercial voice)

I have some super bonuses to guarantee you even greater success and profitability in your summit!

Bonus #1

Lead to List

The Pre-Launch Strategy that gives you a head start leading up to the launch of your summit! 

Value:  $997

Bonus #2

Bonus #3

Webinar Fab

The Complete Webinar Format Strategy (+Templates) that transform your webinar from drab to fab to making sales!

Value:  $997


My magic spreadsheet that prompts you with key questions and then spits out your entire sales page copy!

Value:  $297

This is the plan + the support you need to completely change your business in the next 3 months!

for this if:

You're ready


You're confident in what you can offer the world and know that you have the ability to turn your skills into a real business.

You're ready to let your industry peers and your ideal clients know who you are and that you mean business.



You're coachable and open to honest and direct feedback.

You're an action taker that's ready to dig in and implement the strategies you'll learn inside the program.


Sound like you?

Most Flexible

Get started for just




+ 2 additional monthly payments

Best Value

A single payment of




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If you're ready then join me in 

and let's build your list of ideal clients and launch your irresistible offer to them, together! 

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Meet Andrea

"I signed up for the program three months ago, and so far I've more than tripled my list size and today I made my first sale of my $5999 program using Jay's formula. Previously I've spent thousands of dollars on expensive coaches and never saw the results. Jay's program is definitely worth the investment!" 



You're Not Ready

for this if:




You want to start a business but aren’t sure yet what you want to do.
This program is for coaches building an online coaching business.
You’re not willing to dig in and do the work that it takes to apply the tactics you learn to your business - I'm a great coach, but I can't do the work for you. 

You're not committed or ready to invest in yourself and your business.

  • TEST TEST How do I know if I'm ready to turn my coaching into a business?
    Oh coach... I thought you'd never ask... The biggest mistake I see coaches making... is waiting to 'feel' ready...(spoiler alert: readiness isn't a feeling) and so they waste months and even years going nowhere slowly. The biggest most successful coaches and business owners you admire (and probably even envy just a leeeetle bit) didn't wait to feel ready... The decided to get ready to be ready. So the question is not, "how ready are you?", it's "how committed are you?" If you're ready to make an impact. If you're ready for a business that makes money. If you're ready for more freedom in your life and business, then you my friend are ready to stop waiting and start creating the business you dreamed of having.
  • I don't have a website, an email list or a social media following!! Can List+Launch really help me?
    List+Launch was created for coaches exactly like you! You don’t need to have any of those things in place to get your business started - you need to get your business started to get all of those things in place. As-a matter of fact, I got my first paying clients before I had a website or a defined brand. I was able to start and grow my business to 5-figures in 3 months, starting out with no followers, and no email list. This program is the exact place you want to start when you're staring from scratch or if you're struggling to get your business revenue generating.
  • How is List+Launch different from other courses and programs teaching you how to grow your business?
    Oh, friend, I’m so glad you asked. List+Launch is a “Done With You” program that is squarely focused on implementation and systematic success. You're not going to "learn" business... you're going to "do" business. We do that by: 👉 creating a powerful signature system (what you sell) 👉 an irresistible offer (how you demonstrate the value of it), 👉 building your list of ideal clients (people to sell it to) 👉 delivering a high-converting webinar (producing pre-qualified and highly motivated potential new clients) 👉 masterfully managing your sales calls opening the door to new relationships (turning potential clients into paying clients) The truth is you probably have more information than you know what to do with. Whilst you're guaranteed to learn a thing or three in this program, it's the implementation part that's going to give you the delicious and tangible results you're looking for. Nothing I teach, mentor or coach on is theory. If I haven't proven it can work myself, I'll not be asking you to do it for yourself. And the best part is that you have unrestricted access to me for the full duration of this program. My expertise is now your, on-demand, resource.
  • What type of business does List+Launch work for?
    In truth, the business principles, strategies, and methods I teach apply to virtually any online business. However, the offer creation, sales and marketing tactics that I teach are more suited for coaches, healers and service providers selling expertise, and who are open to learning a new way of getting their business off of the ground in a noisy, fast paced, ever changing online environment.
  • I've already spent so much money on other coaches, courses and programs, why should I invest again?
    I think it's wonderful that you've already started investing in yourself and your business. After 25 years in business myself, I can tell you that the learning and investing never stops. That said, the fact that you are here, reading this page, despite taking other courses or programs means your business still isn't working the way you thought it would be by now, and you're still looking for strategies and answers you haven’t gotten. Amiright? I think you'll be incredibly pleased with the results you'll get from applying the strategies you'll learn, and the support you'll get to implement them in List+Launch. If you want to talk it through though, please don't hesitate to hop on a Zoom call with me - I'm here to help you make the best decision based on where you're at in your business right now.
  • How long will it take before I see results?
    That depends entirely on the time you have to invest in your business and what you do or don't already have in place in your business. Are you all-in building your business full-time or is your coaching business still a side hustle that has to fit in around your regular 9-5 J.O.B? I've had students see results in as little as a couple weeks and I've had students that needed a couple of months. On average average it takes 90-120 days, but it boils down to how quickly you are willing and/or able to apply the content inside the program. All of that said, List+Launch is not meant to add to your overwhelm or unnecessary pressure. The program is build to support you to make progress as fast as you're able to.
So Coach, are you ready to let the world know you mean business?

Still got questions?

Zoom on over and let's chat and get all your questions answered so you have peace of mind and know if Your Summit Simplified is right for your business.
p.s. Bring Coffee
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