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Hello, I'm

Jay Manning

Veteran Business Builder, Mentor, Coach + Coffee Lover.

I help driven coaches like you, simplify the process of turning potential clients into paying clients, so that you have more impact, income and freedom in your business, in less time -  even if you're starting from scratch. 

Buh-bye overwhelm and the insanity of trying to figure it out on your own baby!

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Sign-up for this FREE 5-Day LIVE Intensive and...

Say hello to clarity, confidence and coaching clients with this proven step-by-step game plan!

This website is just for you!

Come on in.  

I don't care if your hair is messy or if you live in yoga pants (you do you, boo).

I only care about the fact that you are here, about what brought you here and about how I can help you make your mark on the world.


So make yourself comfortable and feel free to let me know if you have any questions or comments by popping me an email ​OR, if you're having one of THOSE weeks, then forget email and let's just grab a virtual cup of java - it's on me! ➡️☕ coffee with Jay 

By way of a super quick introduction,  I am a certified professional coach, life-long portfolio entrepreneur, multi-passion-detail-loving-creative, an "any-excuse-will-do" bubbles drinker, can't-help-myself challenger of the status quo. 


I am all of this and more. But most importantly, and likely the reason you've found me (call it fate if you will) is because I am 'all-in-gets-me-out-of-bed-every-day" passionate about helping coaches just like you turn their superpowers into a thriving + sustainable business,

- all whilst kicking overwhelm, fear, procrastination and imposter syndrome to the curb. 

Coffee with Jay
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You're an
ah-mazing coach, with so much to offer! 

Passionate and purpose-driven. You bring electric energy and a lifetime of experience to the table. This is what you’re great at and, you would love to make a living doing it. But, when it comes to turning all that passion and purpose into a business that's attracting clients, you're on a very slow road to nowhere.

Why? Where the HECK are the clients?

Did you miss the party? 💃🏼 The one where endless throngs of your ideal clients stream in, all dressed up and raring to go!


*crickets* 🦗

“Oh, right…” you exclaim, rushing to the social media playground to post some big bold ‘Open For Business’ signs because the internet, and probably just about anyone you've spoken to, is telling you to "put yourself out there",  "create a Facebook tribe", "build an Instagram following", "market the bejeezus out of yourself". "Engage!" "Market!" "Post!" "Network!"


*cue a full choir of crickets and some early signs of burnout* 


It almost makes you want to scream doesn't it?  As the days pass, your excitement fades. As the weeks pass, your shitty self-talk starts to replace your enthusiasm. You scour the internet for weeks on end trying to gather enough insights, tips, tools and techniques to help you figure out what your next steps should be. But now you're in a complete state of analysis-paralysis.

Trust me, we’ve all been there in some form or another. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Here's the thing that nobody is telling you

Selling life coaching is hard A.F. 

Why? Because most people out there don't really 'get' what life coaching is and also because most life-coaches haven't figured out what exactly their message or service is, never mind how to go about getting it sold. So it's no surprise that you're finding it difficult to get people to open their hearts and wallets to you. 

Having an amazing Instagram or Facebook page full of inspirational pearls will not result in sales if you have not clarified your message and your niche, created your irresistible personal brand and offer, and systematically set your business up to reach that niche and deliver that messaging effectively and consistently in a way that results in conversion and sales. 

If you want a business that makes serious money,  it's time to get serious about making your business

Jay Manning

That's where I come in...

...rose between my teeth

I mumble at you (because, you know, the rose)...  


“Come on over. Let's go make a business baby…”  

*cue the sexy Argentine tango (which beats the hell outta crickets any day)*


Since we're talking wine and roses already, let's get better acquainted...

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The results are in

... and this is what they say

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Jay has an uncanny ability to cut right through to the heart of what's holding you back and a seriously no-nonsense approach to taking action.

Working with Jay felt like I'd hired a personal trainer in the business sense of the word.  I stretched muscles I didn't even know I had and her non-negotiable accountability mechanisms got my business into shape in less time than I'd ever thought imaginable.   ​

Lucy B, Solopreneur

Jay is the epitome of a coach’s coach!

As a coach and professional educator myself, I know there is a tricky balance between hand holding clients and kicking them in the pants - and Jay has mastered that art.

Her demeanor oozes professionalism and expertise in the most comfortable, drink coffee with me, approachable sort of way. She does not employ any of the “look at me” bro-marketing tactics which we are all so tired of hearing about.

Maggie Landes, MD MPH

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Jay's authentic style and beautiful analogies make learning a pleasure.

She helps me feel the connection to my mission throughout all of these "business" activities because relationship-building is always central to her lessons

Amy C, KonMari Consultant

I fell in love with selling!

The transition from a corporate J-O-B to setting up my online business was harder than I ever imagined it would be.  After 3 years, in a last desperate attempt to get it right,  a colleague recommended I work with Jay.  Boy am I glad I did.  

Jay helped me improve my offers + streamline my processes so that I could spend more time on revenue-generating activities + offering a more personalised service to my clients.  I fell in love with selling too! 

Sarah L, Designer

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The dream of side-hustle to full-time business is back on track.

I was in a complete state of overwhelm by the time I finally admitted I needed a business coach. I honestly thought that I had tried everything to give my life coaching business a chance.   Problem was, everything I was doing was actually working against me and keeping me stuck and my business going nowhere. 

In less than 2 months, I relaunched my business and I now have enough new clients that the dream of finally being able to grow my business from side-hustle to full-time business is back on track. 

Margie T, Fertility Coach

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